Knee, Ankle, Leg Injury
Injuries to the leg, knee and ankle are among the most common types of workplace injuries. An on-the-job accident can cause a simple, but painful, sprain or strain or a more serious condition that may require surgery and a long period of rehabilitation.
Legal Help For The Injured. Call 404-920-4708.
Knee injuries: can happen in workplace falls, while lifting heavy objects, or while going up or downstairs. Twisting motions or landing the wrong way can lead to a serious knee injury. Workers’ compensation will cover all types of work-related knee injuries, including meniscus tears and ACL tears.
Ankle injuries: can be caused by jumping down from a front-end loader or a loading dock, falling down a flight of steps or pivoting while carrying a heavy load. Forces that bend the ankle the wrong way resulting in inversion-type ankle injuries that often involve torn ligaments or strained tendons. An MRI may be required to assess the damage and surgery may be needed to repair it.
Leg injuries: can include fractures from falls and vehicle accidents, as well as lacerations (cuts) and puncture wounds from dangerous conditions on the job.
If you have injured your leg, knee or ankle at work or while performing your job duties at an off-site location, you are eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits, including payment of a portion of your weekly wages and medical expenses. It is wise to have an experienced attorney to represent you against the insurance company. Insurance adjusters are not interested in your health and well-being or the fact that you are losing much-needed income. An insurance adjuster’s job is to save the insurance company’s money and to spend as little as possible on your claim. They are experts at saving money for insurance companies. You may not know all of the things to discuss with an adjuster to receive the proper medical care, or to be sure that you are receiving all of the benefits that you are entitled to receive. This is not the time to try and figure out legal strategies on your own. Why not have one of our experienced attorneys speak on your behalf? Your job should be to focus on getting better, while we handle the hassles of negotiating with the insurance adjuster.
Workers’ compensation will cover your leg, knee or ankle injury whether the workplace event caused a new injury or aggravated a preexisting condition. Aggravation of a preexisting condition is a claim that insurance companies love to deny. The expertise of our lawyers in this area is needed so that your income and medical benefits are started right away and not suspended or “cut off” too soon.
To learn more, please contact an attorney at the J. Franklin Burns, P.C. The initial consultation is free and you will pay no out-of-pocket attorney fees. We only get paid when you get paid.
With an office conveniently located in Atlanta, Georgia, our workers’ compensation attorneys represent injured workers statewide. Please contact our law firm at 404-920-4708 or send us an email for a free consultation. Please do not hesitate to call or write. We understand that you have many questions that need answers. With an office conveniently located in Atlanta, Georgia, our Workers’ Compensation attorneys represent clients statewide. If you are unable to visit us in our office, we are happy to travel to meet you at your home or a place that is convenient for you.