We reported last month on our Georgia Workers’ Compensation Attorney Blog about a South Georgia company who was cited for several work-safety violations regarding combustible dust and exposing their employees to a hazardous work environment.
Our Atlanta workers’ compensation attorneys want to remind workers of the serious danger as another Georgia company has been cited for similar violations. Combustible dust explosions in the workplace can lead to life-altering changes for the victims and their families. Fire and explosions leave burn victims scarred and many times asthma and breathing problems result from too much smoke inhalation.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recently announced that Carolina Skiff LLC is at fault for 19 safety and health violations and will be penalized accordingly. Violations were found in a 2008 site-specific program inspection, of which very little was addressed, so the Waycross, GA company now faces $95,240 in fines as a result of the follow-up inspection.
Carolina Skiff is being cited for six repeat violations adding up to $45,740 in penalties. Repeat violations are cited when the employer has previous knowledge or has been cited for the same or similar violations within the last 5 years. OSHA also cited the fiberglass boat manufacturer for 10 serious citations adding up to $48,510. Fines totaling $990 were assigned for three other-than-serious health citations.
Safety violations included:
-Use of unapproved electrical equipment and compressed air in areas where combustible dust is highly concentrated which can lead to an explosion or fire.
-Failure to place exit signs for emergency escape hazards.
-Allowing dust accumulations to form without proper cleaning.
-Cleaning with compressed air greater than 30 pounds per square inch.
-Fall hazards.
-Flammable liquids used during spray painting were stored and transferred inappropriately.
-Potential electrical hazard due to an inadequate installation of an electrical service system.
Citations given for a few of the health-related violations include:
-Failure to conduct engineering controls that would reduce high noise levels.
-Failure to comply with a program that conserves hearing and safety on noise-related issues.
-Welders lack of trained knowledge on hexavalent chromium hazards.
-Failure to provide appropriate protective gear, such as clothes and gloves, for employees exposed to potential skin injuries from styrene-containing resin.
-Overexposure to excessive amounts of airborne styrene considered over the permissible limit.
Carolina Skiff has 15 business days to comply, contest, or meet with OSHA’s area director about the proposed citations. “Carolina Skiff continues to leave its employees at risk of serious injury or illness by failing to implement the proper safety and health protections,” said Robert Vazzi, OSHA’s area director in Savannah.
The Georgia workers’ compensation attorneys at the Law Offices of J. Franklin Burns, P.C. fight aggressively for the rights of victims and their families who suffer from injuries in the workplace. If you have been injured at work, or have a workers’ compensation claim, contact the firm for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights by calling 1-404-920-4708 .