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Georgia Car Accidents Leading Cause for Fatal Work Injuries

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2011 | Georgia Work Accidents, Georgia Workers' Compensation, On-the-job Car Accidents |

A 51-year-old Medical College of Georgia Hospital worker was struck by an SUV that allegedly failed to yield at a pedestrian crosswalk, reports The Augusta Chronicle.

Georgia workers’ compensation lawyers would like to remind you that your safety is your employers business, too. An Economic News Release reports that nearly 100 people were killed in Georgia work accidents last year and about half of those died in transportation incidents. Our lawyers can help you to take some of the stress out of workers’ compensation problems and personal injury accidents so you can focus on your recovery.GHSU President Ricardo Azziz previously denied a request asking that the area, where the incident earlier this week took place, be closed off to most vehicle traffic. Azziz has decided to open the case up once again and continue to look into the issue.

The National Highways Transportation Safety Administration reports that nearly 31,000 fatalities occurred last year from motor vehicle traffic crashes. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average employed American works an estimated 47-hours a week. That leaves plenty of opportunity for work-related car accidents to occur.

Being injured on the job can have numerous effects on your life. Not only will you have to fight for your rights as an employee to cover medical expenses, but you could faced lost wages at work and other issues that impact your future financial well-being. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that more than 1.2 million employees missed work last year because of an on-the-job accident causing lost wages.

The Georgia work accident attorneys at the Law Offices of J. Franklin Burns, P.C., have the knowledge and experience to help clients obtain all of the benefits to which they are entitled under the Georgia workers’ compensation program. Our experienced staff will also carefully review the facts and circumstances of your accident to determine whether additional claims can be filed against someone other than your employer. For a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights, call 404-920-4708 .