National Bike to Work Day is held every May across the country and in Canada. This event aims to promote the use of a bicycle as an option for many to commute to work, according to the American Planning Association – Georgia Chapter. Biking is an excellent way to commute to work as it promote physical exercise, a healthy lifestyle and reduces road congestion. On National Bike to Work Day, many safety advocacy groups will scatter throughout the city to hold events and pit stops for those participating in the day’s activities.While National Bike to Work Day is only one day out of the year, Georgia goes even farther and takes a whole week out of May and designates it as Bike to Work Week in an effort to protest rising gas prices and raise awareness of bicyclists in the area and in an attempt to decrease bicycling accidents in Georgia.
Our Georgia workers’ compensation attorneys urge residents to participate in Bike to Work Week as it is not only an excellent way to raise awareness, but also a fun and inexpensive way to get to your job.
During National Bike Week our state will be offering $1,500 in seed grants and signage funds for the “share the road” campaign. Contest rules, regulations and submission information can be found on the Georgia Bikes website. These grant opportunities are available to bike advocates across the state.
While bicycling to work, there are a few Georgia laws that bicyclists should remember:
-All bicyclists must operate with a light during the evening hours. A motorist should be able to see you from 300 feet away. This will give them enough time to acknowledge that someone is there.
-All bikes must have red reflectors on the backside of the bicycle.
-Riders under the age of 16 are required to wear a helmet.
-Low rider bikes are not permitted on Georgia streets. Our state does not allow citizens to operate bikes with handle bars raised above the shoulders on the roadways or sidewalks. Bikers can easily lose control when the steeling grip is so high.
-Children younger than 1-years-old can ride in infant sling or bicycle trailer. Of course you can drop your child off to daycare on your way to work.
-No one is allowed to ride on the handlebars of your bike.
-For a complete list of bicycle laws, visit the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety website.
A list of bike week events in Atlanta can be found on Yahoo Sports.
The first Bike to Work Day was started by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956. It has since then been incorporated in as a part of Bike to Work Week, and then as a part of National Bike Month.
The lawyers at the Law Offices of J. Franklin Burns, P.C., have the experience to help you gain the benefits you are entitled to under the Georgia workers’ compensation program. Call for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 1-404-920-4708 .