According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were roughly 635 people killed because of fall-related work accidents in Atlanta and elsewhere in 2010. This is the most recent statistic released regarding these types of accidents. While this is about 10 fewer fall-related fatalities from the previous year, these on-the-job accidents still account for about 15 percent of all work accidents. The numbers are still far to high considering that they can be prevented by taking the proper safety precautions.Our Georgia workers compensation attorneys are asking for all workers in Georgia and elsewhere throughout the nation to make a New Year’s resolution to be safer on the job in 2012. It’s a new year, and time to commit to safe working practices. By taking the proper safety precautions, we can all work together to reduce our risks for one of the most common work accidents in the country.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are a common hazard in any and all occupational settings. A work-related fall accident can happen during the simple task of climbing or walking a ladder to change a light bulb, as well as more dangerous circumstances like working in complex conditions like those that iron workers endure.
Most commonly, fatal fall accidents on the job happen to who work within the construction industry, which has the highest rate for fatal work-related fall accidents. Additionally, the healthcare industry and the those who work in the wholesale and retail industries experience the most fall accidents in which an injury results.
Common conditions that lead to on-the-job fall accidents:
-Slippery or wet floors.
-Cluttered areas.
-Unstable walkways.
-Unprotected edges.
-Floor holes.
-Ladders that are positioned improperly.
-Inadequate fall protection.
-Wall openings.
The federal government provides workers and employees with specific standards and recommendations that must be used to help to prevent these types of accidents. When work sites are not kept in a safe condition for employees, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) will step in to reprimand employers and to establish safer working conditions.
Every year, these types of accidents cost the country nearly $100 billion.
Our Georgia workers compensation lawyers are asking all employers and employees to work together to help to reduce the risks for fall accidents in 2012. While these accident have decreased with each passing year, there are still far too many workers injured and killed in these preventable accidents. If you think you’re facing risks for a fall accident on the job, be sure to voice those concerns to a supervisor or the owner of the company. Fall accidents are completely preventable if everyone takes the proper safety precautions. Make 2012 the safest year yet!
If you, a coworker or a loved one has been injured on the job or needs to file a disability claim in Atlanta or the surrounding areas, contact J. Franklin Burns, P.C., to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. For a free consultation call 1-404-920-4708 today.