Young Employers and Work Injuries in Georgia
The number of young workers, those between the ages of 16- and 24-years-old, has been on the rise. With summer break and kids out of school, we saw an increase in the number of these employed workers. During this time, there were close to 20 million employed. This served as a near 2 percent increase from April to July.
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, about half of all of these young people were employed in the month of July. This is typically when we see the most young workers, because of break. This is also a time when college students start looking for their dream job and enter the world of full-time permanent employment. From April to July of 2012, the increase in employment among these young workers totaled more than 836,000.Many teens and young adults will be headed back to school, or off to college, and will again be switching jobs this fall.
Our Atlanta workers’ compensation attorneys understand that these young workers face some of the highest risks for work accidents. They are not experienced members of the workforce and they oftentimes don’t understand their rights as a U.S. worker.
With these kids accounting for nearly 15 percent of the total work population in the country, it’s important for employers to follow rules, regulations and specific safety standards for young workers.
Young Worker Stats, July 2012:
-Nearly 65 percent of young men were employed.
-Nearly 60 percent of young women were employed.
-More than 60 percent of young whites were employed.
-Close to 55 percent of young blacks were employed.
-More than 43 percent of your Asians were employed.
-More than 57 percent of young Hispanics were employed.
-Roughly 19.5 million young workers were employed.
-More than 2 million workers were employed this year compared to July of 2011.
-More than 25 percent of young workers held positions in the leisure and hospitality sector. This sector includes food services.
-There were 4 million young people not employed during this time, leaving the unemployment rate at just over 17 percent.
Employers are to remember that these young workers are subject to a different set of rules than adult workers. For 16- and 17-year old kids, they’re not allowed to work during school hours. When they’re in school, they’re not allowed to work more than 30 hours a week. They’re also not allowed to work more than 6 days in a row. When they’re on the job, they’re not allowed to work more than 4 hours in a row without being allowed a 30 minutes, uninterrupted break.
Even when these young workers turn 18, they’re still under strict guidelines. They’re not allowed to work in positions that involve working with explosives, motor vehicles, scaffolding demolition, mining, power-driven meat processing machines, excavation, wrecking, firefighting, woodwork, metal-forming, etc.
Parents are asked to talk with their young workers about the risks they’re likely to face on the job. Make sure that your young worker is aware of his or her rights on the job and how they’re supposed to be treated. Young workers may be hesitant to speak up about work-related hazards in fear of losing their job or being retaliated against. Make sure they know that it’s their right and it’s imperative to their safety that they step forward with these concerns.
If you or someone you love has been injured at work, contact J. Franklin Burns, P.C. for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 404-920-4708 .
More Blog Entries:
Teen Risks for Atlanta Work Accidents Skyrocket during Summer, Georgia Workers Compensation Attorney Blog, May 4, 2012