Falls can be some of the most devastating work accidents in any field. Unfortunately, they continue to be a persistent hazard found in all kinds of occupations. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these kinds of accidents can happen when a worker is merely walking or climbing a ladder — in a department store or high up on a construction site.The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that, in 2009, there were close to 610 workers killed on the job and another 213,000 seriously injured as a result of fall accidents to the same or lower level.
Our Atlanta work accident attorneys understand that the highest frequency of fall-related deaths was experienced by those working in the construction industry. On the other hand, the highest number of nonfatal injuries resulting from falls come from those in the health services and the wholesale and retail industries. But the risks don’t stop there — as virtually all workers in all industries are at some risk for these kinds of accidents.
Now, there is a new app, available for iPhone and Andriod, that’s going to help to eliminate these risks. This new app comes with a multimodal indicator and a graphic-oriented guide for choosing the right ladder for the job while helping to inspect it for hazards, position it for the safest use, and ensuring the proper safety accessories are in place.
One of the best ways to prevent these kinds of accidents is to know and understand the common causes. Make sure to inspect your entire work area to help ensure all hazards are minimized.
Top Causes of Fall Accidents:
-Slippery Floors.
-Cluttered Walkways.
-Unstable Walking/Working Areas.
-Unprotected Edges.
-Holes in the Floor.
-Wall Openings.
-Unsafely Used Ladders.
-Improperly Used Fall Protection.
Thankfully, officials with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are working hard to prevent these kinds of risks on the job. They’ve even launched a complete Fall Prevention Campaign.
The campaign aim is to raise awareness among workers and employers about the hazards of falls from ladders, scaffolds and roofs. The educational resources page gives workers and employers information about falls and how to prevent them.
And without prevention, the costs are going to continue to skyrocket. Currently, officials estimate that the costs affiliated with these accidents total roughly $70 million annually. Included in these costs are both medical costs and workers’ compensation.
Preventative measures are some of the most important to plan for when executing a job. You want to make sure that the plan is to complete a job safely. Make sure you include safety costs when estimating job costs. Never overlook these factors. Once these estimations are submitted and approved, make sure you get the equipment required and make sure that everyone is properly trained in using it. It’s a team effort, and everyone needs to be on board. These safe and strategic moves could wind up saving lives.
If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, contact J. Franklin Burns, P.C., to speak with an experienced attorney. For a free consultation call 1-404-920-4708 today.