Currently, about 80 percent of all students are employed during some portion of their high school career. According to the Georgia Department of Labor, child labor laws are created so that these young workers have enough tome to pursue their education and so that they’re workplaces are safe. The state’s child labor laws were written back in 1878. The federal laws were not enacted until 1938.When there are differences in the state and the federal child labor laws, the law that is more stringent is used.
Our Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyers understand that there are many fields in which these young workers (under the age of 16) are not allowed to participate, including factory, mill, laundry, manufacturing establishments or any occupation that has been designated hazardous. They also face serious hour restrictions so that they can remain focused on their studies. They are prohibited from working between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. They are also not permitted to work in any gainful occupation during the hours when public or private schools are in session unless said minor has completed senior high school or has been excused from attendance in school by a county or independent school system board of education in accordance with the general policies and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education.
If your young worker is under the age of 16, they are prohibited from working during school months.
No minor under 16 years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in any gainful occupation covered by this chapter for more than four hours on any day in which the school attended by said minor is in session, more than eight hours on days other than school days, or more than 40 hours in any one week.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were close to 18 million young workers (under the age of 14) employed in 2010. These workers accounted for nearly 15 percent of the nation’s workforce. In 2009, there were close to 400 of these workers who were killed on the job. More than 25 of these fatalities were among workers under the age of 18.
Per hour worked, the risk of a lost work time injury to 16- and 17-year old workers is highest in the health services industry among the six industries employing the most workers in this age group. These industries included eating and drinking, food stores, general merchandise, health services, amusement and recreation and business services.
Banned for workers under the age of 18:
-Storing of manufacturing explosives.
-Driving a motor vehicle.
-Coal mining.
-Using power-driven metal-forming, shearing and punching machines.
-Excavating or trenching.
-Manufacturing tile, brick or other related products,
-Working in ship-breaking operations, demolition or wrecking projects.
-Using bakery machines that are power-driven.
-Exposure to ionizing radiation or radioactive substances.
If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, contact J. Franklin Burns, P.C., to speak with an experienced attorney. For a free consultation call 1-404-920-4708 today.